Life's little surprises.


Friday morning the girls and I headed out the door to run some errands. As we got into the car we heard a loud "meow, meow, meow, meow" I looked around the front of the house, in the garage, under the van and nothing. We finally decided the noise was coming from inside the hood of Daddy's car. I called Dan down to assist and when he opened the hood this is what he found.


After much coaxing, a bit of chasing and finally a lot of fighting we were able to get the kitty in the house. He/She was amazingly strong and fast for a kitty that can't weigh more than 1 lb. The he/she is there because the kitty is very reluctant to have us touch it. After a few days and bribes with food I finally was able to pet the kitty last night. He/She is most definitely a stray kitty that got separated from it's mommy.
Our first cat came to me at a gas station. While in college Dan and I had a little tiff. I walked up to the gas station and there was this adorable little kitten. A man there said he had found it and that it needed a good home, it was January and freezing, so I went in bought some kitty food, tucked Petey in my coat and told Dan he followed me home.
Our next cat, Dasia, was my sister-in-laws, she asked if we could keep him for awhile while she moved. The first few years I wasn't really attached to him because I felt like we were foster parents. After about 4 years I decided she wasn't going to take him.
After Dasia died we decided to hold off on getting a new kitty for awhile. It seems sometimes you choose to take care of life and sometimes a little life chooses you. I am so pleased that this little one chose us.


The girls are over the moon about the new addition to the family and the only debate is the name. Annie wants Tasha. Maddie and Dan are rooting for Scaredy Head -Dad is insisting I edit to show Maddie thought of Scardey Head all by herself because he was so scared when we found him/her. (she's 3 and he wanted to name Annie Tuna), I myself like Ford due to the cat being found in the Ford engine. The only other suggestion is Tink (aka Tinkerbell) and Pickles. I thought it would be fun put the new blogger tool of polls to use and let everyone vote on the name.

The second little surprise around here was marytree being named as a Blog of Note on Blogger. A big thanks to the folks at Blogger for noticing my little world here. Over the past few days thousands of people have come by to check marytree out, many of you have left really great comments. I have been trying to visit all of your blogs and leave comments and reply where I can. Thank you all for the positive words and I can't believe how many of you remember your grandma's button boxes.
I hope all of the new visitors find a little something here to inspire you or remind you of your childhood and for those of you that have been visiting for awhile thank you for your continued visits and comments, they really mean so much. All right, now that I have lapsed into my Oscar moment I will get back to playing with the newest addition to the family and cleaning out the litter box.

PS. Dawn would you please send your email address?


C Merry said...

I love the name Ford. It may not ring the most beautiful of all the names but it will make an eyebrow go up and someone will ask "Why?" then you can tell the story and show the amazing picture. I think many people are just afraid of taking in a rescued pet but when they see your home made even happier by a furry friend they will see it won't be that hard. I have four rescued cats and a dog and four birds all rescues, over time we have had even more, but babies move on to pet-heaven leaving wonderful memories behind. One doggy I had with me 17 years of my life. Rescue pets live just as long and give just as much love as any petshop baby (nothing against those babies just saying..). We have inspired people by example to take in a rescue/stray pet- they must figure if we can live with all these fur-babies they can handle one! :)

Congratz on your BON-ning :) My TLLT blog was too and it brought me all kinds of new wonderful people to "meet". Thank you for being such a good parent too. Mine were not, and everytime I see good people raising their kids well it makes me smile and gives hope to the planet :) At least my lil' corner of it. Used to seem like an ugly place but good people do give it hope and help others see there is goodness around.

Missy said...

I love reading your bog, I love seing how creative you are. I have talked to you for so many years from working with Dan but never realized the extent of your "creativeness". I enjoy seeing how big the girls are now. I only hope I can have as much fun with Jenna.

I can't believe you found the kitty under the hood. I vote for Tink.

Monster Librarian said...


I am one of your new readers after seeing it listed. I loved the reflection. I never knew my grandparents; it was my mom instead who introduced me to her button can. Your story was so great.

"Ford" gets my vote, since he was found under the hood...though I may be partial to car-esque names, I live in Michigan, just outside the Motor City. :)

gnomesque said...

The kitten is adorable! I'm sure it will have a great home with you. Personally, I can't imagine life without a cat or two around. I'm just starting university next year, and eight long months without my pets seems unbearable... I think I'll miss them nearly as much as my parents.

I voted for Tink... but I'm a bit of a fairy nut. :P

SuePA said...

Loved your comment about sometimes we choose little things in life and sometimes a little life chooses us. How true! Thanks aslo for the adorable, uplifting pics of your sweet new babe, I vote for Tink!

Anonymous said...

The kitten makes my heart a flutter!! She is meant to be yours. How about Tasha Ford, aka the Scaredy Head?

(I'm embarrased to admit this, but I happen to know that Paris Hilton named one of her dogs Tinkerbell, so I'm not crazy for Tink.)

Whatever you name her, enjoy that tiny, furry ball of love.


Kevin Flick said...

thanks for your nice compliments on my blog. i randomly found your blog and love it! i got so excited for when my baby is a bit bigger for fun things to do that you have done. i have to say i was extremely jealous of your rummage sale finds such as the kitchen aid mixer. i lust after those! haha!!! i just borrow my mother-in-laws these days. i have been getting the itch to learn to sew, so your blog inspired me there too. it's fun to see what other moms are up to!

Steve said...

Ah Mary! What a great find! You know my love of cats, I am really excited to meet your new little one! I vote for Ford!

Talk to you soon.

Lifedreamed said...

what a wonderful blog. i'm adding it to my list of blogs to read and am looking forward to reading more. it's so wonderful to "hear" of other rescued pets. you are an inspiration to others thinking of adopting a rescued and lovable furry companion. i vote for the name ford and scaredy head for a nickname!

Carolyn said...

I saw you blog up as one of the "blogs of note" and enjoyed reading about you and your family. I think the name Ford is adorable for your kitty - particularly if it is a boy!

T. said...

Loved your story of the cat finding you....all of my current 3 cats have "found" me, including one that came in the front door --
uninvited -- with guests at my 40th birthday party!

Anonymous said...

Aw, what a sweet little thing! I'm torn between Ford and Tink.

Great blog! :)

Lisa Marie said...

Just happen apon your blog, Love it, I vote for tink just to cute...

S said...

Hi Mary,

Thanks for comment on my blog (about the Harry Potter summer course) your blog is wonderful and my goodness that kitty is so cute!!! I love when animals choose us like that. We have a black kitty outside that's been hanging around on our porch and looks like a stray. We're half hoping he stays.

Natasha said...

Hi Mary,
I just came to your blog from Blogger and liked your story about the cat in your engine. A friend told me once that it happens a lot in colder climates, since the engine is warm a long time after the car is off,and the cat can get to it easily from underneath the car.
As far as the name, I like Ford, but he looks like too cute of a kitten to give a big masculine-sounding title like Ford. I'm a little biased towards Tasha, but Tink I think fits him/her best.
If you have a chance, come see my massage blog, it focuses on in-home therapy. (, I'd love to hear another mom's take on it.

Sophie said...

I saw your blog on the "Blogs of Note" and have to say, I used to have a black and white kitty named Ford. But rather than being named for the car, he was named after the character in the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" books.

As such, I vote for "Ford"!

Anonymous said...

That kitty is cuuuuute. I'm jealous. One day I hope a little kitty finds me that way. :)

Good luck with the naming. I like Ford because, as others have said, it's fitting. I had a friend who named her cat Broccoli for the very same reason and I always thought it was hilarious.

meg said...

I'm a new visitor also- couldn't resist reading a fellow Mary; the kitten is adorable & a real heart-stealer. I'm the neighborhood sucker, with 4 indoor & 1 outdoor rescued cats, plus a rabbit & a lovebird. I voted for Ford as well, since you have about a 90% chance of the kitty being a boy- orange females are very rare (I have one- Poppy- is my love & treasure)

Tinu said...

I am shocked that Scaredy Head is trailing! There's only two more days to vote people! :)

I'm enjoying your site just a lil bit more than I Can Has Cheezburger. It's all the words and everything. Anyway, I just came by to say Congrats on Blog of Note!

Kanweienea said...

That kitten is soooo cute! I voted for Tink. What does the kitten itself think of the different names?

YouthPlay Staff said...

I'm glad you were listening that morning. My niece had a similar experience, but didn't here the cat. She was traumatized by the incident. I think Ford would be a good name; I agree that its fitting. Of course, Lucky would be just as appropriate. Challenge the minds of your young people at YouthPlay.

Hex said...

Aww, your new lil furry addition is sooo adorable. That's one lucky kitty to have you all as its new loving family since not everyone wants a kitty-cat.

>^..^< -Meow

P.S. I voted for the name Ford, as apparently most other bloggers have voted the same way too thus far!

fictionita said...

omg! only last sunday i brought back a lost kitten, about that colour of yours. though my housemate is afraid of cats (i hv no idea why. it's her lost then ;-)) i'm planning to keep it. we found him in front of starbucks & nameed it 'azuki frapp' (our starbuck's taste of the month). Btw, i think Ford is just handsome. ;-P

Anonymous said...

I think that I like Sparky Ford, that little one needs a full proper name...The only reason I am commenting as anonymous is for some reason blogger would not let me sign is as Momsilla

Happiness hates the timid, and so do I. said...

Oh, just one month ago I found an abandoned kitty (now Winston) in the parking lot at my work. Poor Winston was skinny as a bone but here is my secret: Mix meat-flavored baby food with babie's rice cereal and water. Then use goat's milk (we use condensed because we live in a small town and it's the only kind we can use) because apparently it tastes similar to mommy's milk. But don't use any cow's milk because they don't take well to lactose. Best of luck with him/her!

Anonymous said...

I was going to come get Deja (the correct spelling!! :)) eventually, but he was just so comfy at your place, I thought that'd be mean to take him away!!! I like Scaredy Face, so thats what I voted for!!! Miss you guys lots!!

Stacy (the sister-in-law)

Crystal said...

First of all, congrats on your new kitten. Me and my mom have always attracted stray cats no matter how hard we try not to. This past New Years Eve my husband and I had a beautiful white kitten walk right into our house. I opened the door that night to go out and she just walked in. I got her out of the house and then she followed me into the car, so of course I could not turn her away. We kept her and named her Marilyn and she's as silly as ever. My husband and I always joke about how Marilyn chose us out of all the houses on our street.

By the way, I love your blog. I've enjoyed reading all of your creative stuff. Congrats on blogs of note.

p.s. I like Ford but she looks too cute for such a strong name as Ford! :)

Nabeel said...

car bonnets are one of the favorite places of cats, in my experience. Loved the photo .. how cute, the kitten. Give her a kiss please.

Anonymous said...

Hi - Just found your blog (nice!)
I've voted for Tink as it's what us Brits call it when someone is doing work on a car's engine, ie "Tinkering under the Bonnet". Cute, no?

Lelong-Stuff said...

hey... it happened to me too. I also found a kitten in my car bonnet once. Whew! It took a lot of coaxing to get her out of my car bonnet. Your new little kitty is so cute.

R.E. said...

That picture of the kitten hiding under the hood is too cute for words. Talk about having a bad feline day. Thanks for sharing your family with us.

Fluffy said...

Oh my gosh, that kitten is absolutely adorable!!!!! I came to your site while browsing and I love your green-ness. I think that's awesome. I'm 17, and I have always been more green conscious than most, so it's cool to actually see a person living green. I will definitely come back here!!! As for the name of that precious furball, I love Ford, but if you need an alternative, I like Oliver (he's an orphan. haha get it?) or Peekaboo. My cat's name is Peekaboo D.(Duchess. We never use it though) but I think it suits your kitty better. Feel free to use it if you wish!! Peekaboo is kinda like the surprise in the cereal box. It's just all of the sudden there, saying "Voila!" Have fun!!!

Noveras1904 said...

Ahhh...It look scared.It so cute!!!!

Christine Thresh said...

I once knew a cat named Motor. He was named that because his purr was so loud. If your kitty has a lound purr the name would have a double meaning.

John R. said...

Both the cats we have found were under similar circumstances. Who goes looking for a stray cat? I like Scaredy Head...

Gretchen said...

I vote for Ford, although Scaredy Head is also cute. :)

My first cat was a stray. He was very tiny when a lady walked by and asked if I could watch the kitten for her. I left for work and my mother saw it on the porch, grabbed a broom and started to sweep it down the street. I came home right about then and ran after her, grabbed the kitten and told her he was mine. Dusty was with us for almost 20 years and became very loved by my mother. We still laugh about how he came into our lives.

Lindsay said...

How cute! I am a cat lover myself, with 2 cats of my own (Whiskers who is 12 and Maxwell who is one)

I like the name Ford because it tells his/her story, but I also like the name Pickles because I think he looks like a Pickles.

Have you found out the sex of the new addition? When we got Maxwell last year we thought that he was a girl and named her Sadie, but to our surprise when we took him to the vet, he was in fact a boy.

Anonymous said...

Mary says:
I vote for Tink! Blogger doesn't like my sign in either:(

ken said...

How cute:)

HTrinh said...

The kitten is so cute. So did you find out whether it is a he or a she?

ALF said...

my cat's name is Pickles! We named her that because my husband doesn't like pickles and claims to not like cats...

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Your blog entry brought tears to my eyes. What a sweet little thing to find under the hood! You are right--sometimes a little life chooses us to be their steward through this journey of life. You are very blessed to have it happen once again! Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

Unknown said...

Simply beautiful

Unknown said...

I rescued a kitty yesterday from a car motor in the parking lot at work. The poor thing was meowing loudly when we returned from lunch. I went into the manufacturing area and insisted the supervisors locate the employee whose car this was. When the owner finally came out to raise the hood, the kitty ran under another car and jumped up in the motor. Located owner #2 and the same thing happened when we raised the hood. I had to go in after the kitty went to the 3rd or 4th car, but 3 hours later I had located owner of the last car the kitty was hiding in. We were a little faster at raising this hood and I quickly snatched the little kitty before the could jump down and get to another car. I was amazed that over 35 fellow employees had heard the kitty screaming that morning as they walked thru the parking lot, but not one had attempted to rescue it. I already have 2 cats and a parrot and wasn't looking for another animal, but I just couldn't leave a little helpless kitten to be killed by a car motor or to be run over in the parking lot. I know there's a reason that I stepped up and rescued this little fella. I think I will name him Mr. Motor! And I hope that all those folks who walked away from helping read this and know they were wrong to laugh at me as though the kitty was not worth saving.