A bit of a ramble.....


As you may have noticed my posting has been rather sparse lately. Settling into our new school routine has taken a little while and my usual ability to steal a few minutes in the morning while the girls played together has been replaced by Maddie needing me to be her playmate. Having Annie off to school reminded me how fast this time goes so I usually drop whatever I am doing an join Maddie in whatever she asks. The laundry may be piling up and the beds not made but I am having so much fun with my sweet little Maddie.
My other time for posting was usually during rest time but now that is time I get to spend with Annie or catch up on things I need to do or you know, rest. I also would post late at night after work but lately all I want to do is curl up on the couch and watch a tv or read a book.
The truth is I write a blog post everyday. I take pictures and as I drive I write a post in my head. I really think about the special moments in each day and what it has meant to me. I think of all of you that check-in and hope to find something interesting or inspiring to share. It's all there in my head, lately it's just getting it on the computer that is a challenge.
When I first started the blog I was inspired by all the crafty blogs out there and thought to do the same. As time has gone on I have done much less crafting and definitly less crafty blogging. I started the blog to record the accomplishments I had in the day, to look at all those little moments and realize it's not all about the laundry and dishes. It has been amazing to me how not only do I reflect back on those moments at the end of the day but having the blog has made me make different choices. I know where my and my childrens happiness comes from during the day, I know what I take pictures of and write about and it is definitly not the my sparkly kitchen floor.
So my posting may be a sparse but there are so many wonderful moments happening around here just not enough always to share them.

I really want to thank all of you who visit and comment. Your comments mean the world to me. I am amazed at the diversity of those that read and comment and of the kindness you all share for a family you only know virtually. I try to visit all of you and check-in but I have been really bad about that lately. Many of you send comments with no-reply so I can't email you back. I would love to send a note of thanks to those of you with an email address. (I am currently being distracted by Maddie who just brought in a haul from the garden and is feeding me fresh tomatoes)

Apparently that's my cue to wrap up this rambling little post. I'm off the check out our pumpkins and and play with my little pumpkins.


amy said...

i'm so glad you said this. i check for updates often, but am so glad you choose your kids over your blog! :) time is way too fast...love you and your sweet pumpkins.

MJ said...

Your post is how I frequently feel too: too little time and certainly not enough to do crafts! My craft supplies have been sitting in piles for weeks! I too write posts in my head & take photos too! Someday they may come in handy (like my caragana photo today!) Enjoy your weekend with all the pumpkins!

Anonymous said...

It's crazy how the older we get the less time we have! Weeks just fly by. It's like I feel I have to soak up as much of my son as I can before the next thing I know this time will be gone.

Monster Librarian said...

I love your reflections. I think you are doing what is right, spending time with your kids and making this your less important engagement.

I loved that you said that you drive around and write blogs in your head. I thought I was the only person who did that. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mary: This is a Spanish girl who loves your posts and your photographs and usually checks for updates since you was one of the blogs of the month. Congratulations for your wonderful family, I hope I would become a mother as good as you some day!

Jane said...

I love reading your blog, it doesn't matter how often you write its just nice to share some time with you and the family. My blogging has become fitful but i just wait for inspiration to strike, then off i go.

Karen said...

Enjoy the kids while you can. They grow up so, so fast. :)

Lifedreamed said...

i love reading your blog and your insights into your family are inspirational and worth waiting for.

Lisa Marie said...

I do so agree with you my blog is to being deprieved, school is a challenge to get used the change and my Maddie keeps me very busy too, with sissy off to school, I know my posting will come when I have time...Our girls grow so fast and the time well there just is never enough and you can't get that time back...I agree lets enjoy our families...blogs will always be there when we have time for them..

Lynx217 said...

Oh I had a whole pile of blog ideas written down on my PDA... then it crashed! All's lost! LOL. But it's ok, I lose many an idea before it even makes it to paper, much less a keyboard. Love the blog :)