

Hello to those of you that periodically still check-in here. I've been a bit silent lately. Sorry for that. I realized yesterday that I haven't even been taking any pictures. Which means if there is anything going on around her I'm not documenting it at all. So I need to get some crafty stuff going at home so I can start posting here. I'm thinking I need a header spruce up...(and maybe I could get rid of the two pictures that have been up there for awhile.) and a fresh blogging start.

First off... I really love all the comments I get but whenever I go to respond I get the old have you seen it? Well it means I can't reply so I did a bit of looking and found out you can change your settings so that I (and all the other bloggers you visit) can comment directly.
So here goes
go to your blogger dashboard
go to edit profile
check the box that says show email address.
I think it only shows it on the email I get about your comment.
Okay hope that helps and I look forward to have a bit of a chat with you.

In other news check out the crafty crow for some great winter/christmas related books and projects. I just love that website.

On the kidmade front. I am on an unintentional, unannounced break over there. I hope to get some pics up and get all official with the break soon. I really need to rework some things over there and get some focus.

I also got sucked into the whole facebook many friends from so long ago.

Since I haven't been taking any pictures or doing much I thought maybe I would show you who as been being creative and taking pictures around here.


Dan has, lots of pictures of his fish. Oh and the "I just want to set up one tank" is now at least 6. The girls love the fish and now when Dan asks me to look at his tanks I just nod and say "that's nice honey" Much as he does when I ask him to look at my sewing or knitting. Acutally it goes more like this.

Dan "oh, that's nice. What are you sewing?"
Mary "Um, I'm knitting"
Dan "Yeah, um what are you sewing"

Seriously, we have this same conversation everytime I knit.