We're building a house


I picked up this doll house kit for $5.00 at a yard sale. I thought it would be fun to let the girls build their own doll house and decorate it however they wanted.


Silly me thought we would finish the house in one sitting. So far we've only finished the window trim. Oh well, at least we'll have another rainy day project.


I was going to post links to dollhouse kits but it appears I got very lucky with the little one I found. The only matching kit on ebay was $25 and most dollhouse kits are close to $100 and up. I wouldn't spend that much to let the girls paint the walls and windows with glue (Madison) but for the $5.00 they can have at it.

Stay tuned for building updates. And don't forget to vote. We have discovered that little kitty no name is a girl and Dan is quite upset that Scaredy Face is losing so badly.


amy said...

Yay! I get to be the first commentor on such a famous blog. Love your blog. You are a lovely person and seem like a wonderful mom!

DeLi said...

a great bonding project...am in tuned :)

Wide Lawns said...

I would have loved to have had a do it yourself dollhouse when I was little. It looks like so much fun. Did you ever see that episode of friends where Phoebe made her own dollhouse and it was all crazy and had a ghost and an aroma room because she was showing everyone the importance of being imaginative? This kind of reminds me of that. I voted for "Ford" as the new kitty's name too.

Anonymous said...

What a great treasure for five bucks. Can't wait to see it finished :)

Faye said...

Love your blog mast! I'm envisioning "make believe", "dress up", great childhood memories. . .

Re kitty names--no suggestions except that I admire the two names my friend choose for her cats--Edyth Ann and Olive--although she threatened to name one of them Mixmaster for the mess he made with his litter box as a kitten!

The Real Mother Hen said...

The (house) project looks fun :)

ancient clown said...


You may want a tree for in front of your new house.
your humble servant,
ancient clown

Anonymous said...

jajaja tiene pinta de ser bastante complicado montarlo :)

MJ said...

What a great weekend you've had! Two great finds! What luck ~ a house and kitty to love! Enjoy!

vitality magnet said...

Hahaha! I remember doing this with my girls and it was such a great experience and now a favorite memory! I have found it is usually the process, and not the product that they remember.

Lifedreamed said...

the doll house sounds like great (and messy) fun!

Carolina Mama said...

Came across your blog and love your family fun projects!

zOMG said...

hey, just surfing through. your girls sound adorable! that poor kitty in the car! hehee... sounds like you were meant to look after it!
i've only just signed up for blogger, so hopefully I can work out how to use it properly soon!
xx tasj

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary...as others have said your blog is great. A truly heartwarming place. Yours pictures too are fantastic. Its because of a picture that I comment. Specifically your picture a few posts back (15th July)of that fabulous looking pizza! Would you be able to send me the recipe?(lucie368@hotmail.com)

It looks so good!

Anonymous said...

You're having so much fun and a kitty too! Wow, so lucky.

MsCatMinder said...

Glad I found your blog , seems like synchronicity as I had just been writing about childhood memories too . People dont have button boxes now much , in the UK anyway . Keep on blogging , I will keep on coming back ...

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog on blog of note! Made me feel homesick... I used to live in DeKalb & then moved up to Rockford later. Now we are out west in the HOT HOT desert! Your blog is awesome, and such fun to read and actually recognize some of the places! I LOVE vintage stuff, and your blog is full of it! great job! Your kids are darling!

Gretchen said...

That's a really great find. I love yard sales.

It'll be fun to see your project progress.

Toni Marie said...

Your blog takes me back in time to the simpler days...

Carley said...

What'd ya name your cat? I liked TINK but did not get to vote.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but i think of my mom when i read the blog.
i used to built such dollhouse when i was young, together with my mom.
I will visit her tonight!

Bonnie said...

I loved your blog! I have a friend who is in love with buttons.. I'll have to show her your entries :-) You are obviously a very sweet mama, those moments spent building something are incredibly precious! Thanks for sharing, I'll be back I really enjoyed "meeting you:-)"

Anonymous said...

You're the kind of delightfully hands on parent we all wished we had :D Your kids are undeniably lucky! Don't lose that spirit of yours!

Rhonda Jean said...

The dolls house is a sweet project for your girls. I look forward to seeing it completed.

I have just found your blog, so now I'm off to read some more.

ken said...

I love dollhouses my pet rat loves playing in my strawberry shortcake dollhouse:)

Cash for Cars Indianapolis said...

There is nothing like the time we spend with our kids. I have 3 ages 8,4 and 2. I am still amazed at the sacrifices that I am willing to make for them.

tanning lotion

ALF said...

The poll is closed but tell Dan that I was totally going to vote for Scaredy Face!

When I was younger, we got a puppy and when we were voting on names for him, my brother's choice was Baby Rump Sniffer.

Lena said...

Beautiful pics!

Yadda Yadda said...

Ahah I remember so well building my first dollhouse with my mother. What started out as $40 ended up being so close to $200. She ended up being more obsessed with it than I was. Good luck with the Kitty!