Sketching in Nature


We've been following along with the art classes over at Camp Creek Press. Yesterday we packed up a little picnic and our pencils and sketch books and headed to our favorite park. We had a yummy lunch by the river and then headed off to play at the park. I figured we would get some of our energy out and then take a walk and wind down with some observational drawing.
The girls dug around in the sand for a bit and then Maddie found a little butterfly that decided to hang out with them for a while. They built a sand house with lots of sticks for the butterfly to sit on and made a nice little cave.


When it is was set I asked Annie if she would maybe like to draw the butterfly. She asked for her sketch book and a pencil and started. I was surprised she wanted to take time away from the building but she was enthusiastic.




Not a lot of detail but she was happy with it and it was a good introduction to drawing outdoors. As she drew one of the little girls she had met at the park seemed very interested. We shared a piece of paper and pencils and she joined in. Our own impromtu art class at the park.


Monster Librarian said...

I am jealous! I wish I could have a picnic and impromptu art in the park! You rock Marytree!

mary said...

I have started carrying a sketch book of my own around. I find that I pull it out when the girls draw or just when I have a few minutes. Since it's always there and full of pages I just doodle and sketch, reminding myself that it's all about the process.

Anonymous said...

Great idea Mary! Aidan has been carrying around his own journal since September and is filling it nicely, of course there is more robots and spaceships than nature, like I was hoping for, but that let's him show his thoughts and feelings. I am going to save it for him for when he gets older. Logi started with a diary and well... we're working on it! We will have to picnic together soon!!! Great idea for the camping trip!!!