Happy Birthday to Me


Today I am 35 and today I am offically a blogger. This first post is seeming very overwhelming. I keep thinking I need to explain why I want to blog and I think it all boils down, Why Not? So here I am with things to share and maybe a few people who want to see them.

I have been a stay at home mom for the last 4 years. I have 2 beautiful children and a sweetie of a husband. One of the challenges of being a full-time mommy has been my feeling of a lack of accomplishment. No matter how many times I mop the floor it still needs to be mopped again and their is always another diaper to change, a nose to wipe and lunch to make. I often feel like a hamster in a wheel. I know that my happy well adjusted children are the greatest accomplishment anyone could ask for, but it is so intangible. Others notice how they grow or change, but to me their growth is so tied to my own existence that I need pictures to remind me of how they were.

I have always been crafty and creating. Over the last few months I have dusted off my sewing machine and found joy in the clicking of knitting needles. I have found much inspiration from several websites and blogs that I will share-( when I learn how to add links). These sewing and knitting projects have given me that sense of accomplishment I have been missing. After going from one craft blog to another for the last few months I've decided to start my own. I thought it would be fun to chronicle a year in our lives. A year of crafting, by me and by the girls; a year of outings and adventures, a year of accomplishments as small as getting out the door with our hair brushed and as big as potty training. I hope you find some enjoyment, amusment, or inspiration.